Communicate With Me
About Gracie
I am Gracie and I recently had my 8th birthday. Just because I'm non-verbal doesn't mean I don't have plenty to say! I continue to make incredible progress homeschooling with my Mum, learning life skills and gaining independence. My Mum makes my days so busy with fun things to do and shares them on Instagram (@graciellablooms). Whilst I am learning to find my voice, I am also learning to use Augmentative and Alternative Communication apps on my devices to ask for things such as car rides to Target, visits to the duck pond and to order my own ice cream at my favourite ice cream shop. I want to be accepted, acknowledged and included.
About Communication Differences
Non-verbal, selective mutism, difficulties understanding jokes or sarcasm, knowing when and how to take turns in conversation, pressured or monotone speech, talking too loudly or quietly....each autistic child, young person and adult is unique in how they communicate and the challenges they face in a neurotypical world with neurotypical expectations. Speaking is not the only method to effectively communicate. Sign language, flashcards (my personal favourites are by Stickman Communications), and AAC apps (Gracie uses Proloquo2Go) are just a few examples of alternatives to speaking, if people can be open and accepting enough to "listen".
About the Art
Gracie's graphite portrait hints at her love for being outdoors as I worked from a photo of her enjoying the swing in her garden. I created a replica of her name in her own handwriting. This is presented in a selection of coloured inks in acknowledgement of the rainbow infinity symbol associated with autism and to highlight that different communication is the key message behind this portrait. The background features a range of icons based on Gracie's Proloquo2Go AAC app. Featuring Gracie in the forefront of these icons not only acknowledges her in preference of how she might communicate, but also hints at the estimated ratio of females diagnosed with autism worldwide, although it is important to recognise that diagnosis for females in particular is problematic.
"Communicate with Me" won a Second Place prize in the 2023 More Than Meets The Eye Autistic Art Competition.